
Designing how your blog is going to look like, is basically about this: choosing a theme, and customizing it. But, as you’ll see, having all your content ready is going to be game changing to do so.

As a beginner, you can make the most of the WordPress’ free themes:

  • classic themes, are very easy to customize, but you’ll probably want to add more features. If this is the case, you can create a child theme for a theme. (My blog has a child theme for the Twenty Twenty One theme)
  • With FSE themes, or “full site editing” themes, you can almost develop your theme from scratch. But, even without coding, you’ll need to learn what it is about

Heads up: Designing is an open door to procrastination. It can be as fun as overwhelming. At all times remember that your content is what matter the most, and that a clean designing worth a lot. This is your first blog after all!

Step By Step

1. Activate the Twenty Nineteen Theme, or any classic WordPress theme

2. Go to Appearance > Customize, and see what you can do with this theme. Simply, take a look.

3. Set up your “homepage” and “blog” page

4. Work on the header, your logo

5. Create a “primary menu”. Add the following links:

  • custom link to your “about” page
  • custom link to one of your posts
  • link to one category archive
  • link to one tag archive

Publish your menu, and see how your blog would look like by clicking on every menu item.

6. Add widgets to a widget area

7. Set up the footer

8. Try another theme doing all the above, until you find your perfect theme.

In the next stage you’ll open your wallet. Hence, it is when the clock is going to start ticking: time lost = money lost.

Don’t move on to next stage until you are happy with your design, colors, fonts, etc.

Laly York. Neurodivergent Gen-X writer / B.Ed. / Lawyer. Writing, coding and taking pics. From Jupiter, living in a soap opera; flying on the web with three blogs.


Any thoughts?