
Introduction to Social Media and Email Marketing

Quick Pause to Distinguish Concepts

On the next two tabs, “Connections” and “Sharing Buttons”, you’ll find features regarding social media marketing and email marketing.

Please take a look: on the first tab, the second section – “Manage connections” – includes “Mailchimp”, which is a platform to create newsletters (email marketing).

We’re going to study this properly. First we’ll talk about social media, and finally about email marketing and MailChimp.

But, We’d Need a Marketing Strategy First…

All the features we’re going to see, are something you may want to study and come back to once your blog is opened.

Configuring all your social media outlets with all that it takes (as we’ll see) or signing up to MailChimp, is a waste of time if we don’t have content to share.

Before configuring all the above, you’d need to create a marketing strategy first.

For instance:

  • create a series of stories to publish on Instagram
  • create a series of pins that will be linked to your posts
  • create an email campaign with a marketing automation platform or CMR, such us MailChimp

None of this matters until you’ve got content on your blog. You may want to press pause on this, work on your posts, and come back when you’re almost ready to open your blog.