With the following steps, you’ll create a local environment on your computer to work on WordPress and test your child theme.
[Last Update: Using MAMP V6.3 and WordPress V5.7.2]
Estimated time: 30 minutes.
Difficulty level: easy peasy.
Get Ready
1. Create Two Folders
- Clean your desktop and set your downloads to arrive there (since we’re going to open and close windows, move files, having your downloads in a clean desktop is the best way to go)
- In Mac, go to users/yourusername, and create a folder named “Sites”
- Inside that folder, create a folder “wordpress”
Remember this path you created: “users/yourusername/Sites/wordpress”
2. Download Your Tools
We need to download two packages: MAMP and WordPress
a) To download MAMP
- Head over to to mamp.info;
- Click on “free download;” it will take you to a new page;
- At the new page, select your operative system (Note: The package contains both the free and pro versions; don’t worry, you won’t be buying anything) You’ll be downloading a *.pkg file (on mac)
- Once in your desktop, leave it there.
b) To download WordPress
- Head over to wordpress.org; at the top you’ll see a button “get wordpress;” so, click to get it! A new tab will open;
- In the new page, select “download and install”. You’ll receive a zip file.
Now everything is ready to begin the installation.
Installing MAMP
- Double click on the MAMP package you’ve downloaded and follow the screens; this shouldn’t take more than ten (10) seconds. During the installation, you’ll be asked for your admin password.
- From the launchpad, open the grey icon of MAMP (this is the free version) and the MAMP window will pop up.
- From the MAMP top Menu, click on “Preferences”; (everything is ready except for one detail: “the document root;” it has by default Applications > Mamp > htdcos, and we need to select the path we created)

- Click on the tab “Server” and under “Document Root”, click on “choose;” select the path you’ve made: “users/yourusername/Sites/wordpress”.
You’ll be back at the initial MAMP window; so now, we’ll start our engines!
- Starting servers: Click on “Start”; the “Welcome to MAMP” page will open in a new window (it may take a few seconds; if it doesn’t, click on “Open WebStart Page”)
- Creating new data base: At the top menu of this new window in your browser, click on Tools/phpMyAdmin.

- A new tab will open.
- From the left panel, click on “New” (see the screenshot if you need help); it will take you to the “Databases” tab;
- to create a new data base; locate the white box that says “Database name” and type in there “wordpressdb;” and click on create.
- That’s all!
- Close this tab and keep the initial welcoming MAMP page opened in your browser (we’ll be back)

Now you’re ready to Install WordPress.
Installing WordPress
- Open a “Finder Window” at users/yourusername/Site/wordpress (This folder should be empty or it may have now an index.php file) Leave this window opened.
- From your desktop, unzip the wordpress folder; open this folder, select all the files and move them to your other window (to users/yourusername/Site/wordpress) Note: if there’s already an index file, click on “replace” when you’re transferring the files)
- Now in your browser, at the MAMP page, click on “My Website”; it should lead you to a page where you need to choose your language, and begin the WordPress installation. Fill in with the following:
- Database Name: wordpressdb
- User Name (database): root
- Password (database): root
- Database Host/server: localhost
- Table Prefix: wp_
- Click on “Submit”
- Click on, “Run the installation”
- Fill in with site title, etc; “discourage search engines from indexing this site.” and click on Install WordPress.
You’ll arrive to a final screen saying “Success”, and there will be a nice pretty button for you to login ?.
And… that’s a wrap!