brain health
Is Your Relationship With Technology Affecting Your Life?
When the Internet goes down or the power goes off, we feel there’s no life to live.
What can we do?
ADHD Medication
ADHD, PTSD, Ritalin, Clonazepam, Misdiagnosis, Lack of Guidance and I… Am Still Alive and Kicking
In a nutshell. But enlightening. Hopefully.
Hello World! I am Back (God Knows How)
“You’ve got a gorgeous little list with the last details to review on launching week, “relaunching” week in my case. And then, it’s like a wedding…”
How Having ADHD Saved Me From a Lifetime of Traumas
“I look back and see people saying, ‘She lives in the clouds’, and I think, ‘Oh, no, people; she flies’.”