ADHD Reader on a Browser: How to Use the Reader View
For free, you can have an ADHD reader browser. An experience with sans font, without sidebars nor pop ups (usually, also without ads)
For free, you can have an ADHD reader browser. An experience with sans font, without sidebars nor pop ups (usually, also without ads)
Being stuck in a profession that our ADHD doesn’t like, can ruin our lives; blogging and coding helped me to do what I love while being my own boss.
it took me two months to begin learning how to take Ritalin for ADHD, to avoid its side effects. Finally I’ve found five questions to ask myself before taking a dose.
Without knowing I had ADHD, I went through my formal education successfully, thanks to great teachers and strategies I came up with as I grew older; these days, I’ve found that it all coincides with the methods that current educators follow.