
It might surprise you how every platform and software we use to blog (social and blogging platforms, plugins, software to blog and code) have great tutorials on their sites.

Humble advice: before going gaga searching for “how-to’s” on Google or YouTube, go to the source!

Blogging Toolkit

What Is a Blog

Get a crash course on what is a blog at WordPress / Introduction to Blogging

What Is a Theme

If you’re looking to customize a theme (with CSS or with a child theme) there are three concepts you are to know at least:


A list of plugins that I use and which I consider essential for every blog.

Free Fonts

How to install Google fonts, for free, on your computer and at your blog.

Free Images

  • Find free images at;
  • Create your own free templates for your social media with Canva;

Coding Toolkit

The Developer Tools

Discover how easy you can find the selectors you need, with this free tool available on your browser.

Sublime Text

Read your theme’s files smoothly and code like a pro with this free text editor for code.

Local Host

What is a local host and how to install it on our machines, so that we can WordPress on a local environment to test themes, plugins and more.